Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Just Makes You Wanna Scream

And no, I don't mean for ice cream. I mean for help, for earplugs, or for anything that might aide in getting a 3 year old to bed at 8pm.

Despite filling out applications to two or three jobs a day, there are very few if any companies that have found my person interesting/qualified enough to do the job. Instead, I'm relegated to my twice a week babysitting job that requires me to deal with a finicky, slightly spoiled three year old (who has almost anything a little girl might want). Since, as a child, I lacked the awesomeness of an in-ground pool, a play set surrounded by rubber mulch and a basement turned into a glorified Discovery Zone, I find the incessant crying irritating. Of course, a three year old cannot help being her age, so I must put up with it as best I can: with a great deal of patience. The experience I'm receiving in that department is phenomenal; once I start any type of job, corporate or otherwise, I'll be able to deal with coworkers a tad bit easier.

This is rather short, as my unemployment has only lead to me joining paperbackswap.com and going to the post office three times a week. You know its bad when the postal workers incline their head at you when you walk into the foyer to wait on line...I know few people who would prefer to be recognized by the USPS over another institution, say, Starbucks? Sadly, they know me there, too...

...at least my iced coffee always comes with the right amount of room for milk! Oh, and my packages always seem to arrive early...

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