Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Land of Snow and Ice

In a burst of energy, perhaps induced by the view from my aunt and uncle's home in Minnesota, or maybe from the four or five cups of delicious java I've imbibed, I thought it might be a good idea to update all of my four readers on my current job/life status.

I'm an viral intern for a culinary website in Manhattan and I truly enjoy it. It's refreshing to say "Oh, I have a job. I commute to NYC. I have co-workers. I'm not a complete waste of space." Honestly, the more I learn the better I feel about going to school for four years and still being fully unemployable. Buck up, Sunshine, you gotta shot in hell.

I also have myself a wonderful boyfriend, who boosts my morale better than any prescription drug or bottle of vino. It may be that I have to sit through a few co-op hours of Left 4 Dead, but at least he let's me play Little Big Planet on his PS3 so I don't have to suffer through a zombie apocalypse time and time again. Definitely not Vogue.

My current self is wallowing in the Land of Ice and Snow (otherwise known as Dellwood, MN). This is my third trip out Northwest and my only complaints are the chill and the lack of proximity to a Starbucks. My cousin is quite content to watch movie after movie, or play golf on his X-box in the basement...which leaves me time to do things I normally do, like laundry, or perusing the internet using Stumbleupon.

The one bonus of being so far from home is the shopping. I am about a 45 minute drive from the Mall of America (cue choirs of angels)...and that means a serious thought process involving my bank account, student loans and the seemingly endless amount of groceries I need to purchase. Should I suck it up and not eat for a week in order to purchase the Uggly's I need to keep my tootsies warm on my walk to work? Or should I realize living with my parents is almost bad and I should move?

Fashion vs. Adult Life. WHERE DO I GO?

I'm already losing speed, as the chill has slowly started to put me to sleep. I'm considering a bubble bath for the sake of my sanity, but I am the mom/dad/sister/babysitter this week and must needs prepare a scrumptious and nutritious meal for my ward.

And maybe listen to Private a little more.