Monday, July 21, 2008

A Full Suit

Quite recently, either to the credibility of careerbuilder or the absolute blind eye cast by Verizon, a company that works for them (which I will keep nameless because, heck, it's none of your beeswax) asked me for an interview.

To be honest, I was a bit off put by having to don a suit (and heels!) in 90 degree weather, but the quick drive to New Brunswick and the added bonus of a Starbucks across the street made me feel ten times more confident as I walked, sweaty-like, into their offices. The process was painless and rather nice. One can only hope that any future endeavors will be as pleasant, but what assaulted me quite quickly was the lack of professional attire worn by other interviewees. Admittedly, I was of the shoulder padded, full suit long sleeved collared shirt and black heels variety, but none the less I was clean and panty-hosed, not a stain or a bad pedicure in sight. The laundry list of offenses to my eyes will be as follows:

1.) Just washed hair, still wet, pulled up into a plastic hair clip.
2.) Open toed shoes with last weeks club manicure of silver polish chipping off dry toes.
3.) Fuzzy, well worn pinstripe pants with a stain on the hem
4.) No less than 3 women (I only saw 4, not including myself) without suits on, despite being told that was required.
5.) One with a suit so tight I considered sending my suit to the Island of Stuffy Corporate Losers.

Oddly enough, all the men seemed to be well dressed enough, in full suits with a healthy appearance. None looked anemic, or on the lamb, or perhaps about to whip out a pink feather boa for their work later in the evening (though I will admit that would be AWESOME). What bothers me as a woman is that I must present myself in a far more pleasing manner than most men, what with makeup and nylons and heels, and watching another woman present herself in an undignified fashion while attempting to find employment saddens me a great deal. Why, oh dear god why, did anyone think that silver toe nail polish was okay for business attire?!

I should probably scrape last night's body glitter off my shoulders before another interview pops up.


Artemis Floyd said...

Ha, I know what you mean. Today, I donned the black pants, cami, black button down shirt, heels, makeup, tasteful jewelry, nice hair - the whole shabang (at 6am, too!) - to interview for a job.

The interview was at 9:30, so it wasn't like it was all that early (ignoring the part where I drove all the way down to Chambana for a half-hour interview, but either way), and the girl I saw who was interviewing after me looked like she had rolled out of bed, threw on some rumpled up black pants and whatever shirt she saw first, massacred her hair with a straightener, and was sitting slouched down in the chair with huge bags under her eyes and nary a dab of makeup to be seen.

You know, it's one thing to show up to class like that; hell, I usually look worse. But to a job interview? Really? The worst part is that this is a reception job for a federal're going to be seen by people - important ones, no less - day in and day out, and this is how you show up to your interview? Gah.

Good luck on your continuing search!

Kaitlin Adele said...

Thanks my love! Hope you did well, I have no doubt you did :-)