Monday, June 22, 2009


I have suddenly had a brilliant idea.

In the course of ripping apart my room in search of old high school yearbooks, I discovered a photo album given to me by a friend. Inside were pictures from my teen years, capturing the essence of my freshman through senior years.

As I sat examining the photos, gasping at the memories, my boyfriend sat on the edge of my bed in apparent boredom. The few photos that hadn't been ripped from the album laid intact within the wrapping, securing my moments as a teen in tip top shape and were of no interest to him.

While explaining the pictures, I had a thought. Each photograph held a moment in time with friends I was either still in contact with or could contact.

I decided I would go back through the album, pick a few poignant shots, and recreate them in the here and now. Old friends would become new, or just reacquainted, as I stole a moment in this time, just like I had back in high school.

When I relayed this to my boyfriend, he said "Well, do it." And my response:


"But why not now?"

I thought about that for awhile. Why must I always push back my dreams until they are nothing but a journal entry?

So I'm recruiting former chums and current conspirators to make an album that will help me reconnect to a time when I was innocent and truly happy.

Who's with me?

1 comment:

EngagedInDebt said...

I'm totally down...even though I'm not from High School >.>...