Monday, October 19, 2009

Certain Unavoidable Truths

I have never gone to therapy (despite begging my mother upon hitting puberty), but have instead relied heavily on Baz Luhrman's "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)".

Pulling two appropriate lines from the song, I manged to come up with a mantra to help get myself through disappointments in the job market:

"The race is long and in the end it's only with yourself."

"Whatever you do, don't congratulate yourself, or berate yourself either. Your choices are half chance. So are everybody else's'."

Moments have passed where I have felt so horribly inadequate and alone; applying to job after job and receiving rejection after rejection. Discovering I'm only asked to work when there is no monetary compensation. Watching the bills pile up as I make a meager sum doing three jobs (student loans are unkind). Getting carpal tunnel from sitting at a computer for 6 hours filling out online applications, then never hearing back.

Baz Luhrman reminds me that I am really never alone, that there are many people suffering like myself, stuck in limbo, waiting for that right opportunity.

And it will come.

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