Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It's Ho-Ho-Horrible

Everyone has a different take on what the media commonly refers to as "The Holiday Season". Many revel in the spirit, striding around humming X-mas carols that reek of joy and goodwill.

Mine scream "BANKRUPTCY" (and future torment at the hands of the IRS).

The upside to working many jobs for minimum wages (total) is that I'm kept very, very busy so as not to recall how often money is siphoned from my account into that of good ol' Uncle Sam. The downside is I've been shopping online for gifts and that shipping is eating away at my savings account.

It's okay, I didn't need that flu shot anyway.

Despite my bah-humbug feelings on the subject, I still enjoy the season enough to bake cookies for the office(s). I've never been a firm believer in diets, either, especially when you can spend enjoying delicious foods during the "Holiday Season". Save your working out for the New Year, when looking at your resolutions wracks you with guilt (I know mine do).

I hope that this "Season" brings some stimulation to my life, a much-needed knock in the noggin to motivate me the way I should be. When I go home, I hate the computer. Mine has technically been shelved by the management due to complaints from the staff (myself) when it refuses to turn on and overheats ten minutes in, but still, I avoid the machine. The resolution to this problem is to find something that makes me hate the computer less and allow me to check Facebook at home without loathing myself later for it. But what?

For now, I'm going to restrict my guilt to that of eating the cookie dough at 12am.

Hey, it works.

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