Monday, March 8, 2010

Vanity is Fair

There are few things I regard above others...personal hygiene, chocolate hazelnut pudding, kittens...but it is just this that poses the problem.

Like almost every woman, I suffer from this terrible disease I like to refer to as "a diet seemed like a good idea but I really like to eat" or, "low self-esteem". When I go into the bathroom to wash my face, instead of noting my sharp eyes and full lips, I tend to count the number of times the skin from my neck folds over itself, or the roundness of my chin. These insignificant features are sadly the drawing point of many a judgement in New York; it makes me miss the comfortable bars of Champaign and the restaurants of Savannah. There's something about the East; a desire to be the best even if the best is quite far from it.

I propose a bit of vanity; when I walk into the bathroom I am to find one good part of myself to praise so that in time I hope to love the whole package. The first step to finding a great job is to have the confidence in yourself to do so. I have lacked that from the get-go, resuming my usual internal pout as my boyfriend buys the groceries again. Never have I been a fan of being supported, choosing instead to live apart from my parents, attempt to pay for things on my own. Last week my mom sent me a twenty in a card and I put it towards that weeks consumables. The downside to working with well dressed, high powered women is the dream to have it, but to live in the Target induced coma I've been reduced to.

I should learn to regard myself as myself with no regards to clothes are just as good because no one knows where they're really from.

And can someone explain those big fake framed glasses? I don't seem to understand the point unless you're truly blind.

Vanity is fair, a given right of all women (and some men), but like caffeine, cheeseburgers and wine (psh, who am I kidding) it's much better in moderation.

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